Talking about interests 2

We talked last week about the choice of interests (benefits), how individuals, groups and nations practice such a choice, and that everyone chooses the interests that suit their cultural and moral values.
Today, we will talk about the prioritizing of interests, which should be very clear when it comes to states, 
Actually, it is the people who should decide the interests of their states, and then comes the implementation, which is the job of the rulers.

The interests of States are being chosen over generations and generations, and over time, nations form their constants that should not be neglected, 

Neglecting constants is one of the most important signs of collapse and degeneration.

Type I: Our interests precede your interests
This is the most rational way in which independent States should set their policies, that is to prefer their interests over the interests of others, and over all other nations, without harming anyone.

This means that the State is to becomes fully independent and not to relinquish any of its rights, any part of its wealth, any of its resources, nor any of its current or future interests.

The interests of the independent states mean the interest of the nation, i.e. individuals and state institutions, not only at the current time but also for the interests of future generations.

Type II: Our interests and your interests
This can be needed when Independent states pass through relative periods of weakness. They accept to share their interests and resources with those who are stronger, to avoid an expected war or to delay a problem.
Usually people or subsequent generations pay the price of this sacrifice

This was the case with England and France, when they gave up important areas of influence within Europe in favour of Hitler in the 1930s. This led to the postponement of the problem between Germany and Europe, allowing Hitler to build a mighty army, resulting in a second world war in which more than 50 million people were killed, that is, Europe tried to prevent a limited war, but contributed in a major world war.

In such situations, the weaker party may be able to invest the opportunity and to strengthen itself, to rebuild its institutions and to nurture a new generation for a new round of conflict.

Type III: Your interests precede our interests
This is the case when powerful countries are ruled by traitors.
The fate of this type of government is always the collapse. This either happens when the people move to save their interests, or when the ruling regimes continue in the series of concessions until the great interests of the nation are lost.

The most prominent representative of this type of such governments is the deposed President Hosni Mubarak. He has been overly abandoning national decisions until Egypt became a dependent state. He also continued to waste wealth until Egypt lost its gas reserves and continued to waste resources, giving Ethiopia the first chance to build the Nahda dam.

You will find that many countries have passed this situation, (I mean by the end of the Cold War) especially after the fall of the Russian ally, and during their attempts to build new international alliances according to new balances of power.

Type IV: Only your interests!
And may our interests go to hell …!

Here we have a complete separation between the interests of the nation and the interests of the ruling junta!
This type of ruler does not come suddenly, but rather must have appeared after a long preparatory journey, or may appear after a crushing war that results in the ruling of a group of secret clients.

The ruler in this case is just a broker caring for the interests of the foreigners, his job is only to satisfy them, 
he belongs to them, and only them, … Without his masters who gave him power he has no place but prison, a grave, or to be exiled.

This kind of ruler is the most dangerous type, because he can commit unprecedented crimes, crimes that not even the occupier can dare to commit. The occupier is usually sensitive when it comes to the provocation of people. He is already facing the problem of legality and has the fear of the uprising against him.

As for this ruler, whom we are talking about, he rudely commits whatever the colonizer cannot do, he commits the great treason repeatedly while he is raising the flag of the state, singing the national anthem, promising his citizens with the rivers of honey and considering whatever he grants to his people as precious sacrifices to which the people should feel gratitude.

If you want to see this type … Look around you… such rulers are almost the “majority” in our Arab countries!

No way a nation can achieve progress unless it gets rid of such rulers. Moreover, current and future benefits will never be reserved until the state reaches full independence, until the interests of the nation are preferred on everything else, and until the national will is not used as a negotiating card to exchange in dirhams, dinars, dollars or even (rice bags).

For all the above … the people of the revolution should prefer the interest of the nation, and know that they must build internal and external alliances.

The people of the revolution must know that one of the most important factors for the success of revolutions is the ability to recognize real interests, whether fixed or changing, and to be able to build alliances with regimes that share their interests with us without being followers and without selling our national decision to any party or state.

Between the hands of Jerusalem:  The Palestinian people continue to teach us (we the Arabs) the lesson of steadfastness, day after day … 
They continue to reveal the secret and public betrayals of the majority of the Arab regimes.

Thanks to the Zionists of the Arabs in the palaces of governance, we now hope that the area of Israel will shrink from the Euphrates to the Nile (as they always dreamed), after it became from Manama to Tangier, with few exceptions.

If not the struggle of the people of Palestine and of Jerusalem, the Palestinian cause would have ended decades ago … 

Greetings for those steadfast people who hold the embers in the Occupied Palestinian Territory … Greetings to them on the Friday of anger that will have a lot later 

Bless you o people of Palestine and of Jerusalem, and bless your endeavours.

Translated by Dr. Iman Salama

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